121. 15. … Stop fidgeting and worrying. We are alive today, thank God. Have a very success- filled day.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'motivationandlove_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',110,'0','0'])); 13. You’d triumph over their evil plans. As you open your eyes to see the dawn of a new day, so shall your eyes be opened to see the riches and favour of God today. 55. Have a wonderful day. I pray that as you wake up this morning, may you be encompassed with more strength from God to perform all your daily works and come back rejoicing. 88. May your pathway all through today be so shiny and glorious even as this morning shines. Hope you had a great night rest? Good morning!.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'motivationandlove_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_19',112,'0','0'])); 21. I speak into your life this morning and new day, every lost opportunity shall be restored, every debt shall be paid, every closed door shall be opened, and your heaven shall bring forth rain in Jesus name. If I’m honest, I know the day before me will bring struggles … Be obedient and the Lord will answer to anybody against you. May this new day marks the beginning of new things in your life. As you step out today may the goodness and mercy of God follow you all through. Enjoy your day. As the sun set out this morning, may God’s light beam on you to achieve all His Will for your life. A beautiful morning has dawn again in God’s mercy, may His mercy guide you through the hours of the day and leas you to where His desire is for you. As it dawns into day, may your life experience great transformation. Your morning is blessed, your noon is more blessed, as a whole your day is blessed. Good morning. All verses below are from the NKJV. The Lord shall fight all your battles for you and you will hold your peace. Good morning. May you be granted strength to draw from Him joy, peace and laughter for your life. 25. Remain positive. The … Good morning. Today will be so blessed that your mates will seek you for favour, your land will be green, your purse will be fat and your health also will be sound. Good morning dear. How was your night? Every disappointment laying as trap for you shall be exposed and cancelled out. 86. Good morning.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_28',123,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_29',123,'0','1'])); 48. God has promised to fight for you at all times, may today not be an exception. May you find favour, mercy, peace throughout your sojourn today. 81. Good morning, have a victorious day. God bless you. Good morning dear. Blessings and joy are yours. 38. Your night was great, it’s my prayer that your today will greater. Be of a free heart. 66. I pray for you this morning, the Lord will bless you abundantly in all ways and all your heart desires will be fulfilled. Good morning to you.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'motivationandlove_com-portrait-1','ezslot_36',128,'0','0'])); 68. Put your faith in God and obey Him, all things will work out good for you. Thanks be to God Almighty, it’s another bright shining morning. It’s another beautiful morning, all praise to God. good morning bible verses kjv Download. He will go before you today to make every crooked way straight and give you a great testimony. Good morning my dear, it’s the beginning of a beautiful day, may your life be beautiful and colourful, may you have everything cause to smile and be happy all through the day. The Lord hears the prayer of the His loved ones. God will surely prove Himself Mightily in your life, and you’d become a living testimony of his graciousness. He will rebrand you for excellence and greatness. I pray for you this morning, that the connection you need that will make you do exploit, may it be granted unto you on a platter of Gold. Peace shall be yours. God’s presence will go with you. 33. Good morning dear. 105. 111. 11. 90. That said, sharing these bible verses will bring that early morning gratitude that we need to get inspired in the beginning of the day. The Lord has again gracefully shown His love towards us by giving us the grace to witness the dawning of another morning. GoodMorning June 6, 2015 Bible Verses, Good Morning God SMS, Good Morning Images, Good Morning Jesus Quotes, Good Morning Quotes 0 4,509 Bible Morning Prayers to Lord Psalm 5:3 ESV: O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning … My dear, as you go into today, the success that will shut the mouth of your haters permanently is activated in your life by the power of God. Sweetest Good Morning Christian Messages and Quotes. Have a beautiful day ahead. 26. Good morning. 16. As you wake up this morning, begin to see God as the all-sufficient God and He shall provide all of your need. Blessed morning to you. Good morning. Today is a new gift from God. As you wake up this morning, may you receive God’s help in every sphere of your life. I pray and believe that this morning will speak of God’s goodness the more in your life. On this beautiful day, Your heart desires and expectations shall come to pass. Every day comes with its own fair share of goodness and evil, and we all go out hoping we are caught on the good side. Make sure you stay strong and have faith in God only.