what does the desciption of this fight suggest about the nature of violence. His back is crooked, the result of an accident when a horse kicked him. Candy feels that he and his dog are pretty useless. all lennie wanted was the rabbits. Curley doesn’t seem to have any respect for his wife at all, Candy tells George (Steinbeck p30) why Curley wears only one glove on his hand which is soaked in Vaseline so it is kept soft for his wife and George finds this disgusting. He is so lonely that he is willing to let down some of his barriers (at least for a while) in order to talk to someone. The dream ties in, when george tells lennie to think about the little house they would have, and lennie remembered the rabbits. Carlson wanted to shoot Candy's dog because is was smelly, but mainly because it was old, toothless and overall in a miserable physical state, and Carlson wanted to put it out of it's misery. She talks of meeting a man who promissed to put her in the picture shows. Part A) What methods does Steinbeck use to present Curley’s wife? Although Lennie doesn't initially fight back when Curley attacks him, once he responds, he easily overpowers Curley. No, because she sticks with Curley and therefore her dreams are stuck with what he does. The reactions of Curley and Slim toward the death of Curley's wife were the same. Curley's wife notices that Lennie has a bunch of bruises on his face. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn demonstrates this through the friendship of Huck and Jim as they both grow together and understand their differences by spending time with each other and realizing that their differences should not separate them. Yet Candy believes they can make it. Many people dreamed for the American dream, especially Curley’s wife. Lennie's fight with Curley demonstrates to the ranch hands Curley isn't as tough as he seems. Because he is an African American with a disability (crooked back). 5. The story of mice and men is a great story about a couple guys named George and Lennie. Her dream is not as realistic as George and Lennie's because George’s and Lennie’s dream has a better chance of happening but with her stuck with Curley she won't be able to become big anywhere. 4. Old, ratty, stinky, pain-filled hound, toothless, worthless. while he is waiting for George in the clearing what to hallucinations does lennie have, what does george tell lennie to calm him down before he shoots him, He tells Lennie the story of their farm. George's description of the farm emphasizes the imagination of what the farm will look like and what they will grow for crops or raise rabbits for Lennie. Her dream is to be (in the movies) and "wear nice cloths" and stay in :big hotels" and also to take many "pictures". This demonstrates the isolation of the migrant worker. How does Curley’s wife feel about Curley? Curley's wife had dreams of being famous, being a star in the pictures, and having a fine house. Because when Whitey leaves, it shows that he has no roots. they were old friends from the same town, lennies aunt died, george would take care of him. How is Lennie’s treatment of his dead puppy typical of his character? Additionally, Crooks is forbidden from most of the places or activities associated with the white men on the ranch; so this is his opportunity to control the situation for once. Respect and Wisdom. How is her dream similar to Lennie His wife never received the letter from the Hollywood guy. It is Justified. Curley’s wife admits that she does not like her husband and thinks that he’s an unpleasant man. Curley’s wife wasn’t meant to live her life on the ranch, and her character wasn’t completed because of it. He "pets" things too hard due to his very strong hands. This also relates to George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men in the way that they know who each other and accept…, Mice and Men, Candy, Lennie, and Curley’s wife for various reasons different from one another. what suggests that the dream of the farm is unrealistic, They have no money to get the land and raise it. Curley's wife is a dreamer and she is naieve. He liked Curley's wife because he calls her good looking. She mentioned that they "left all the weak ones here," and has put Crooks down just because of his skin color. Curley’s wife is considered a dreamer because she doesn’t dream of owning land as much as George and Lennie, but she dreams of becoming a movie star in Hollywood. This leads to them getting in trouble and that's where they end up at the creek. Candy can relate to his dogs mangy failing appearance as he can no longer fully use his arm. So Candy doesn't really have dreams, and when he hears that they have the money and everything is all set. does georges analysis of lennies attack on the girl in weed seem probable. However, her husband Curley sees her as only a possession. so as george told the story, he shot at the part about the rabbits. 4. She dreams of Hollywood, being a star, and living in a fine house. George also describes the feeling of being a landowner and no longer leading the lonely life of the migrant worker. In what way is Curley's wife also a dreamer? follower, not smart, immature, inattentive, big, leader, precise, hardworking, educated, small, a bear bc he drags his feet the way a bear drags his paws, why were george and lennie run out of weed, Lennie touched a woman and she screamed rape even though Lennie did not rape her and everyone believed her, what things does lennie do and say that make him like a child, where does george tell lennie to hide if he gets introuble, how does steinbeck convey lennies animal like qualities, he desribes lennies attraction to animals and how he feels the need to touch them (ex mice and rabbits), why does steinbeck desceibe the actions of lennies hands, he is showing us how strong Lennie's hands are and how he doesn't know how to control his strength. To find a real job in town and to get a girl. in what ways does crooks retreat before her attack. how does the behavior of curleys wife seem deliberately designed to provoke men? Also she seeks for other men because she doesn't want to be the house, also known as discrimination. She is also not allowed to talk to anyone but her husband who spends all of this time in the fields, so she feels like she is living alone all her life. Slim is a nice guy. In what ways is Curley’s wife also a dreamer? Is her dream any more realistic than George and Lennie’s? Curley is the son of the boss. Slim knew that if they killed Lennnie, it would more merciful than letting anything else happen. The reactions of Curley and Slim toward the death of Curley's wife were the same. Firstly, it enforces the theme of separation, segregation, and loneliness by drawing another character into a mix of detached characters. Its human nature. When the men shoot and kill his dog he only regrets that he didn't do it. as much as people would justify that lennie killed candy and that is punishable by death, george was the one to do his deed. She has also called Lennie "dumb. what reaction does curleys wife give lennie for wanting to talk to him, he never gets to talk to anyone and that he gets very lonely, where does lennie go right after he kills curleys wife, why is candy so angry at what has happened, how is lennies treatment of the dead puppy typical of his character. He wanted to own a farm. why does george decline whits invitation to the brothel, When Whit invites George to go into town with the group of guys, George comments that he cannot afford to waste his money because he and Lennie are trying to put together a "stake. Lennie is not by nature a violent person, but it becomes obvious that once he loses control, he can be violent. are you suprised? Slim is respected for his skills on the ranch, good attitude towards everyone, and respectful manner of confidence. how does georges reaction to the murder relate to his belief in the dream. 5. Analyze Carlson's reason for and Candy's reasons against shooting Candy's dog . These actions illustrate the competitive nature of survival during the Depression. Lennie must travel with George because he is autistic so he suffers when it comes to communicating, so George must watch over him, keeping him out of trouble. In Of Mice & Men, the character Curley's Wife is depicted as flirtatious, promiscuous, and insensitive. They both freaked out and wanted to kill Lennie. Crooks and Curley's Wife both serve as examples of how people on the farm who are different are disregarded, or looked own on. Answered by jack T #413890 on 1/4/2015 10:52 PM I mint to say : what is the nature of his attack This shows that the men actually have the items and materials necessary to look there best, how does the account of whiteys quitting contribute to the books mood of alienation. Crooks reluctantly says he was just kidding about joining the small farm. why does crooks allow lennie to enter his room. what is it, The beginning were he and George talk about their dreams, what does this parallel reveal about georges motives, George feels at least partial ownership of Lennie's actions, and he knows that things are going to go rough on Lennie. We see he doesn't believe they will ever have a farm. He shows that he understands what George did and he knows why George had to do it. why is the stable set apart from other men? The reactions of Curley and Slim to the death of Curley's wife were the same. Lennie breaks her neck when he shakes her too hard to stop her from screaming. 5. Curley’s wife is a loner as she is the only woman on the ranch. He is afraid, almost terrified, that George will be angry. Crooks is the kind of guy that doesn't believe in dreams because he thinks they're crazy and when he hears of their dream about owning a ranch he says that during his life he has saw many people who haven't established their dream of owning land. In Steinbeck's novella Of Mice and Men, both Crooks and Curley's wife are marginalized. So George tells him the story of the dream and that makes it so that Lennie dies happy. How does she entice Lennie into touching her? They go to work the next morning…, to grow.” Huck and Jim of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men are both character pairs with strong friendships. These two are like best friends, they get stuck off by a little creek all because of Lennie, the bigger guy, they were in town and Lennie likes to pet soft things and when he does he doesn’t let go. Slim drowns four of them, keeping the healthiest and biggest five. In the passage the first words that Steinbeck uses are that “Both men glanced up,” and through this we are introduced to Curley’s wife through her effect on men and not through any notion of herself, which Steinbeck does to show us she is only worthy for the use of men. Lenny is typically kind and caring toward anything soft, dead or alive. is her dream any more realistic than george and lennies? Slim knew that if they killed Lennie, it would more merciful than letting anything else happen. ", what motives does steinbeck suggest for her behavior. His loneliness, bitterness, and twisted lifestyle, which character names from this section have symbolic importance. She puts down others to make herself seem superior, and also threatens to have the men fired because of her relation with Curley and the boss. Curley’s wife is also disappointed because of her failed dream to become a movie star. name four of the possesions that crooks has in his room, what does crooks say happens to a guy if he gets too lonely. How does Lennie react to what he has done? He is a mean-spirited, aggressive … She dreams of Hollywood, being a star, and living in a fine house. She doesn't like him because he doesn't treat her well nor let her talk to anyone. 4. Firstly, the fact that she doesn't have a name suggests that she's not even important enough to mention her name, thus highlighting sexism. in what way is curleys wife also a dreamer? At the new ranch they meet an old man Candy, who is one the loneliest people, he lost his hand in a…, Alex Park October 10, 2016. However, when Crooks realizes that Lennie is someone he can talk to--a pleasure unknown to Crooks--he allows Lennie to enter. 6. But Curly doesn’t support the idea of her dreams of her chance in hollywood, but encourages her to get involved around George and Lennie’s dream. how does this relate to the idea of responsibility? how does slim react to lennie and george traveling together, He had never seen something like that b/c grown men usually didn't travel together, why do you think george told slim about what happened in weed, trusts him and wants him to be weary of lennie. why is the boss suspicious of george and lennie, who or what seems to be a source of tension in this chapter that may foreshadow future conflicts, is candys opinion of curleys wife justified. Curley's wife panics and Lennie, thinking he will get in trouble from George, inadvertently kills her. In the book, Of Mice and Men, Curley's wife comes into the bunkhouse looking for Curley. How does Curley’s wife feel about him? CHAPTER FIVE 1. He is wondering why Slim & George are feeling sad. what is carlsons solution to the dog problem, in the back of the head so he cant feel anything, what role does candy play in helping george and lennie try to buy land, He gives them $350 from the money he got from his hand if he can join them too, why does curley attack lennie? how does lennie react to what he has done? She wasn’t like the rest of the people Interpretation 1. what happens to curley, He was jeluous of Lennie for being so big so he picks a fight with him but Lennie ends up smashing his hand, what does georges conversation w slim reveal about his past treatment and present feelings towards lennie. call her by other names such as "jailbait" or "tart." she is pretty but she looks at other men other than Curley. Her mother stopped this dream by taking a letter. Curley’s why does he stay with lennie? George basically "shoots his dog" and gives Lennie a mercy killing instead of letting the others lynch him. 3. Steinbeck uses this charcter to illustrate many things. But Curly doesn’t support the idea of her dreams of her Her and Lennie as he acts like a child and likes to feel soft things. Later in the novel, he becomes deadly. Much of the time, Crooks is alluded to simply as the "stable buck" in the narrative. 3. Only the strong will survive, and the weak will be pushed aside. Crooks tells Lennie, within his speech on loneliness, that having one's one plot of land is an impossible dream and that success is so unlikely there is little point in trying. Her dreams are even less practical than than George and Lennie. what does crooks offer in return for joining george, lennie, and candy on the dream farm? he punished crooks, a black stable man, because he is a racist, why does george answer all questions directed towards lennie, he is scared his stupidity would mess up their job oportunity, how does the boss react to georges friendship with lennie, He think's its strange because men at that time usually didn't build such close relationships b/c they were constantly switching jobs, what excuse does george give for lennies slowness, what does curley think about george and lennie traveling together, he thinks george is taking his pay from him, what dies the swamper mean by the statement "curleys pretty hand", what uneasy feeling does george have about curleys wife, what details suggest that the ranch hands have a "romantic" side, "And these shelves were loaded with little articles, soap and talcum powder, razors and those western magazines ranch men love to read and scoff at and secretly believe. Secondly, Crooks words enforce the theme of the American Dream and its futility. In what ways is Curley’s wife also a dreamer? Curley’s wife is isolated, self absorbed and a dreamer. 3. what is crooks reaction to the threats of curleys wife, what does curleys wife say is her husbands main topic of conversation, at the end of this chapter, what has candy to make george angry, what does the description of crooks room reveal about its ocupant, While he is a black stable buck, the dictionary, the bible, the lawbook and the glasses show that he can read and has self respect in that he wants to know his rights, and all his possessions show that he is more permanent than the other people on the ranch. Is her dream any more realistic than George and Lennie’s? George and Candy call her by other names such as "jailbait" or "tart." what is crooks reaction to the dream of the farm. Curley's wife, like the other players in the drama, is simply a character type and the only woman in the plot. A man once told her he'd put her in movies, but Curley's wife never heard back from him. They both freaked out and wanted to kill Lennie. as he had just killed his best friend. He starts believing in dreams and goals. what comparisons does candy make between his own condition and his dogs? Lennie wants to be reassured that their dream is still alive even after he has killed Curley's wife. How does she entice Lennie into touching her? How does Curley’s wife feel about him? She is defined by her role: Curley's wife or possession. It shows that anyone has the capability to be violent in a severe enough situation. Curley’s wife is also a dreamer because she dreamed of Hollywood and becoming a star there. It gives a sense of empowerment to the ranch hands. Of Mice and Men no because there's like a one in a million chance that she's become a movie star. Why is Curley’s wife never given a personal name? the description of lennies death recalls another event in the novel. Why does Curley’s wife confide in Lennie? how is her nature as a destructive character most clearly revealed. The relationship Lennie and George have a great relationship, they’re like best friends. why? ", relate georges description of the farm to a romantic eden. The reactions of Curley and Slim toward the death of Curley's wife were the same. What does lennies fight with curley show the ranch hands? The ranch hands lose all respect for Curley because he bullies Lennie & fights him. and how he can tend to the rabbits, how do curley and carlson assume that lennie met his death, he said that lennie had his gun, and george took it away and killed him, why did george lie to the other about what really happened, because they wouldve killed lennie anways, describe lennies state of mind as he goes to hide in the bush. How does Curley’s wife feel about him? The fact that they would never be able to stay in one place for too long because of Lennie's accidents & uncontrollable hands, give some examples of foreshadowing in this section, lennies stupidity will effect the two men later in the book, who greeted george and lennie at the bunk house, candy, an aging swamper who lost his right hand, obsessively clean, wears gloves all the time. The novel, “Of Mice and Men” is about a pair, George and Lennie, who travel around as farm workers trying to make enough money to buy their own ranch. Steinbeck showed this the only tangible way he could, with the lack of a name for her. Her goals of becoming a movie star were also crushed. Start studying Of Mice and Men - Part 5. It does seem probable. Curley’s Wife In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck creates characters that play important roles throughout the story that contribute to themes and connect readers to an overall focus.Curley’s wife, a minor, but significant character in the story, contributes to the theme and is partly responsible for Lennie’s death. To me, Slim does this because he is the only really decent character in the whole book (outside of Lennie and George). This took place during the Great Depression, so it would be difficult to raise money for the farm. A name is defined as “a word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity.” In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck teaches a lesson about the nature of human existence and shows how grim and isolated people become without hope. She holds on … Curley’s wife is isolated, self absorbed and a dreamer. 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