Special Effects - Marquee Tag. The HTML tag defines a scrolling text area in the HTML document that moves across the page in a horizontal or vertical direction. Marquee Tag HTML Marquee tag Marquee Speed Marquee Direction Marquee Repeat Marquee MouseOver. HTML5 The definition of '' in that specification. The Marquee HTML tag is a non-standard HTML element which is used to scroll a image or text horizontally or vertically.. Right to left is the most simple animation and we … HTML Marquee Image « Previous; Next » Definition. The tag was utilised to distinguish content that should move over a characterised segment of a website page in an even or vertical heading. w3schools - Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee marquee tag w3schools (6) I just created a simple jQuery plugin for that. HTML marquee tag is used to move the text/image from right to left, left to right, up to down and down to up. HTML Marquee used to set a scrolling (vertically or horizontally) text or image. The tag used is "marquee" Example : This text will move The text in between the tags will move horizontally.Result : HTML Marquee Tag - Marquee is one of the important tag introduced in HTML to support such scrollable texts and images within a web page. forward moves the text so that hidden text appears in the normal reading order, reverse does the opposite. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our Add a "tooltip" to the paragraph below with the text "About W3Schools". Marquee Tag: If you want your text to move with in the screen, use this tag. HTML - Marquees - An HTML marquee is a scrolling piece of text displayed either horizontally across or vertically down your webpage depending on the settings. Also these marquee you see are in the everyday world but for web, it might not apply. We will discuss all these with some examples on how to manage these values. The Coding Bus 17,223 views. The