They become dirty due to normal airborne crud and from oil mist that naturally occurs in the inlet tract. I've got an old crusty timing light and this loop works fine with it. Registered User. In the case of a non-turbo engine power will be down and if the engine is used continuously at full load it may suffer damage due to detonation and/or valve damage from high combustion temperatures. Not tape, no soldering. If the idle is uneven (power is down on one or more cylinders) then there is a problem. You really need this part if you are serious about having your SR run right. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… 25-05-2005, 12:40 #1. If you've converted to a manual trans then it pays to also convert to a manual TPS for reliability's sake. Fuel pressure can decrease for many reasons but the most common are worn fuel pumps and blocked fuel filters. This is because the Consult Port is part of the body loom - the plug will normally be around the fusebox inside the car. -S14 SR20DET into DOHC S13 swap-RB20DET Into S-Chassis Wiring-Choosing the Right Motor Oil-Fix Your Timing Chain Rattle-Replace Timing Chain-Replace Timing Chain (KA24E)-SOHC KA24E Timing Chain Replacement-Adjusting Distributor (Timing)-Adjust Timing-Greddy Rocker Arm Stoppers on a SR20DET-KA24DE Oil Pump Inspection Acetone is good. The return air from the BOV should be angled away from the AFM if possible – reducing the risk of airflow backwards into the AFM. Unfortunately this is quite common. Use a recirculating BOV and have it enter the pipe close to the turbo and angled towards the turbo. 1988 M3 2007 Lotus Exige S. Comment. They should look like a shiny glass bead with a fine wire wrapped around it. It takes a fair amount of force to get them in. Less than 15 degrees will make it very sluggish. That would be great. Details vary between models but the basic concepts are the same. Sometimes they will barely idle. On these engines the TB is totally closed at idle. We've been running Innovate gear for years and they make a decent product. If your throttle is closed but the ECU doesn't see it, then stable idle will be impossible to achieve. Most contamination can be removed using a fine brush (as used for painting models etc.) If the AFM is too close to the turbo and/or the plumbing is sloppy you may experience poor return to idle and general grumpiness at idle and low load. All times are GMT-12. This signal is used to calculate throttle opening speed, throttle position and to sense when the throttle is closed so the ECU can provide a smooth idle. On the S13 there's also a black GND wire on the white plug - so snip it too. Standard idle speed is 825rpm when warm. Without a BOV fitted the AFM will see major reversion when the throttle is closed. Some engines use a switch on the TPS to provide this - SR20 ECU's simply look for a certain voltage on the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor). So timing light in one hand, throttle in the other. All images and content are © Copyright 2012. Checking fuel pressure is inherently dangerous. Then tighten the lock nut. More gives extra power but may lead to detonation and subsequent engine damage. You may need to back the screws out and use the screwdrivers several times before they pop out. If fuel lines are not securely clamped or leaks exist in equipment then high pressure fuel will spray and often atomise. The upper timing chain mating (gold) mark should be at the small idler sprocket gear mark. S14 SR20DET Zenki to … For each psi of boost, the fuel pressure increases by 1 psi - keeping the pressure difference across the injectors constant - this is called a "linear rate" FPR. Quick view. Nissan Silvia S14 200SX S14A SR20DE SR20DET JDM. Fuel pressures in EFI systems regularly reach 40psi+. EFI systems maintain high fuel pressures after the engine is shut down (as you will know if you've ever removed a fuel hose/injector without first bleeding the system pressure). You'll find it hanging out of the loom right at the back of the head - near the firewall. My Evo2 cam has a notch for the timing mark. Most Nissans from around 1990 to 2000 had them. Nissan have provided a loop in the wiring loom that drives coil No. Carefully probe the 0V wire (Black) and the signal wire (White). Not good. I've not met any injectors molesters in the latter category yet. Sounds simple but it's amazing how many people mess this up. Due to mixing and matching the VVL FWD and SR20DET RWD conversion parts, the timing marks will not align correctly with the VVL oil pump when using the RWD crank pulley. The top O-rings are usually fine. This is because the engine must be at its correct idle speed for the timing light to be accurate. The Consult Port is extra handy for doing this check as you can log the TPS value while you drive the car - and then check the trace for any drop-outs later. Here's what you should see: To do the "Atmospheric" measurement you just pull the sense hose off of the Fuel Pressure Regulator (FPR). This is rare but can happen. Don't rev it too much or you'll see timing start to increase. It has 6 wires. Testing: Once you've got them all in place, fit the caps and it's time for testing. The SR20DET is a fantastic engine from Nissan and is extremely strong and reliable. The system is set up so that the injectors deliver their fuel at 3 bar (43.5psi). This is a flag which is set inside the ECU when the throttle is closed. Once this happens the ECU sets the "Throttle Closed" flag (this flag can be monitored using any of the diagnostic packages available). Make sure you get the line that is supplying the fuel rather than the return line to the tank. This is the company (now owned by Bosch) that makes all the electronic components for most Nissans. Avoid anything that mentions "hi-flowed", "modified" or "flow matched". … If you're not then your fuel pump will just get "lazy". but the position of the cam look like same as mine. Where do I set the ignition timing on my engine. The easiest way is to grab one from a wreck. Get superior performance with Nissan aftermarket parts from Enjuku Racing. Use an air filter with a bellmouth entry if possible. ***All information refers to S13 engines unless specified otherwise.***. and solvent such as acetone or contact cleaner. Quote; Post by pampadori » Mon May 19, 2003 3:21 pm . The purpose of the throttle stop screw is to prevent the throttle butterfly from sticking in the bore. Do not under any circumstances fit a "rising rate" FPR (ie: fuel pressure increases more than 1 psi for each 1 psi of boost). 1. iI didn't read all the posts,but it seems you have the exhaust on the intake and vice versa.Looking at the picture you an see the correct square notch further down to the side of the cam.Imagine putting that came on the other side with the lobe pointing the way it points TDC , firing for number one,and should line up with the notch.As for the little point it appears that it was made with a centre punch by somebody,Cheers, Or you have the TDC firing for cylinder number four.Remember both pistons are at TDC at the same time.One cycle fires for number one and another for number four, i think they are not stock 248 , they doesn't say bmw , neither 248 , i purchase a complete head and the guy told it came from a racing engine, just check the flange of cam and it have an E stamped. S14 uses 'low port' intake design vs. S13 'high port' design. It's not that hard once you know what values you should be seeing. You can buy lube specially for this job but if you don't have it then use either Vaseline or engine oil. Diagram showing normal BOV operation when throttle closes, The stock BOV on most Nissans can actually be made to work very well and hold increased boost with a small modification. Choose Options. Your tuner probably tuned your engine with an AFR between 11.5 and 12:1 if it's a turbo, or a tad leaner if it's NA. Guy_b. This CAN cause serious engine damage - I've seen bent conrods. So you sometimes need to go back and forth between the two adjustments to get them both right. How do I know if my fuel pump is up to it? Check TPS function : While you're playing with the TPS it's a good idea to check it across the range. Don't use chassis GND. Worst case the cylinder will have enough fuel in it to hydraulic lock. At 50% the ECU can adjust up/down to trim idle speed as required. I use Datascan software for this. Removal: SR20 injectors can actually be quite difficult to remove if you don't know the technique. 1 plug by making a plug lead extension. This is why it is recommended to take the source for your boost gauge/EBC from somewhere else. This is just a short length of hose. This happens quite easily. So 15psi boost should see 43 + 15 = 58psi fuel pressure. View Profile View Forum Posts View Rides; Guest Join Date Dec 2004 Location Nr Oxford Posts 543 Rides 0. This is a collection of stuff that we get asked all the time. Now i have locked the timing at 15 DEG btdc, and marked my 15DEG btdc mark on the pulley, with white. Autos : These use a different TPS. This should be around 0.5V. So far so good. Once you have a set of good O-rings then you need to go mad with the lube. do you happen to have a pic of the end of the cam(s) with the stamping? Consult signals can be found on the main ECU connector near the bolt in the middle (see below for diagrams). Snip the others off. The ECU will only access the idle tables when the TPS Closed flag is set. Often you'll get away with it. I've seen both. I am runing E11V2 on a S14 SR20det , PNP harness. All idle air gets to the engine via the IACV. Seems the basic timing lights work best with the loop - the "dial-back" lights need to take signal direct from the plug as they are more sensitive and can false trigger on the wrong edge of the signal. Get the nice thick wall hose if you can. Cheap insurance. Where this all goes astray is if something happens to that little piece of hose. Lube up the areas on the fuel rail where the O-rings seat, as well as the O-rings themselves. Tooth offset - 16. We've been doing it for years with temperature and oil pressure gauges, so why not keep an eye on our AFR's? Timing marks are a little more pronounced on mine, notched and then an indention: Additional photos of the stock markings, from my car a couple weeks ago: why my cam have a little dot instead of pronounced notch ? Here's a picture: Top. Donc petit rappel, le SR20DET c'est le bloc qui se trouve dans les Nissan 200SX S14 et S14A (On le trouve aussi dans les Sunny GTiR et Pulsar). So if you need to adjust idle (you shouldn’t have to) then do it on the IACV – not the TB. But nobody uses them anymore (ahem...). Slowly open the throttle - you should see the voltage increase smoothly to just over 4V. How To Set CAS Timing on the SR20DET Resetting your engine's timing back to factory setting is pretty straightforward thanks to the markings provided on the CAS, cams, and pulleys. Tuned engines usually run around 12:1. Then fuel pressure will be low and your SR will lean out. Don't touch it. Bleed fuel pressure from the system by removing the fuel pump fuse, relay or wiring to fuel pump with the engine running. If there is any doubt on the installation of the timing chain, do not proceed as damage to your pistons/valves can occur. From there we go to 550cc (yellow) and 740cc (red) which are sold by Jap tuning companies HKS, Apexi, Tomei and NISMO. Clean element using a fine brush and solvent. Then bad things happen - combustion temps increase, detonation starts and the next thing you know you've got bits of SR all over the shed and you're pricing engine components. You'll need nice sharp multimeter probes to pierce the insulation on the wires - it often pays to give them a quick sharpen with a file/grinder etc. pampadori Posts: 431 Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 3:52 pm. What is included? The other half has switches (for throttle fully closed and fully open) which go to the auto trans to determine shift points. Rotate them back and forth as you push. I'll add pics (and more information) as time permits. This can be a pain to setup but there is a good range of injectors available. Remove the injector plugs one by one as the engine is idling. Nissan ECU's use IGN timing to trim idle speed. There are many types around but the one that has caught my eye recently is the Innovate "MTX". Idle speed must be correct. Fortunately the sensing elements in SR AFM's are easily removable and quite easy to clean. If you tee into the hose going to the FPR and a leak develops somewhere in your boost gauge/EBC then the FPR won't get the correct boost signal. tegls1 Posts: 75 Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2004 10:56 am Car: 95 S14 SE, Audi A6 Biturbo. So it relies on having a "sense line" so it can see manifold pressure. Either of the fittings under the TB will do. Top. Below is the intake and exhaust camshaft pulley marks. You only need the White (signal), Light Green/Black (5V power) and Black (return) wires. check out the. Under load a standard SR will run very rich - often richer than 10:1. line from pre-TB to Idle Air Control Valve. So owners would have their engine tuned on a dyno and then drive around confident that everything was right with their engine. SR In … The usual scam is to buy the cheapest injectors available (which generally have very low flow rates) and either drill them out or remove the caps (that create the fine spray pattern) entirely. If you can't open a tin of cat food without cutting yourself then you should probably leave this to somebody else. This guide assumes that the timing chain is installed correctly. Shop tuner parts, Japanese performance parts & more. All this lubrication and rotating is an attempt to avoid damaging the lower O-rings. If you've just installed an SR and the idle speed isn't right then you may be tempted to go for the idle adjustment. Half of it still functions the same as the manual 3 pin TPS - so all of the above still applies (wire colours are different but you still need to measure between the Black and White wires). 2,608 satisfied customers. This allows you to knock out one cylinder at a time from a laptop connected to the Consult Diagnostic Port. Dirty airflow meters are becoming quite common now that most SR's have quite a few k's on them. Diagram of consult signal locations for the common ECU's. Ensure the timing chain is properly inside the timing guide grooves in the front cover (mine was actually sitting on top of the edge which is danger but lucky I realised phew) For the exhaust cam, position and maneuver the sprocket onto chain again with the notch on the dark grey mating mark. Technical - S14; Simple SR20DET Cam Timing; Results 1 to 6 of 6 Thread: Simple SR20DET Cam Timing. If a bottom O-ring is leaking then the potential exists for fuel to dribble into the cylinder over time (usually overnight). Don't worry too much about that. For SR20 owners it's not too hard to tell good injectors from bad. As the name suggests this lets the ECU know how far open the throttle is. Power will feel a little down - the whole power delivery just becomes "soft". Oiled foam air filters will dirty them quicker than anything else. Now you just need a power wire. This should be 15 degrees and this is when you take your reading. It is recommended to replace your timing components when doing an engine rebuild to prolong the life of your motor. Based around a light alloy block with alloy heads the twin cam setup uses tried and tested parts and the relatively recent T28 turbo and intercooler made the engine stand out among it’s peers. Then it's just a matter of wiring it into your loom. The top end of the timing chain mating (silver) mark should be at the large idler sprocket gear mark. $125.00 Add to cart. Failure of this hose = dead engine. BMW changed the cam blanks over the years - I would assume that your cams are early blanks, but a dot or a notch - doesn't matter as long as it's a mark. Refer to TPS Adjustment section. There's one less excuse for blowing your engine up right there! But if they are firing fuel into a manifold that has been pressurised to (say) 10psi by Mr Garrett then they are facing an uphill battle. S14/S14a/S15. If this happens then the pump will still operate but fuel pressure will be low - resulting in lean mixtures (usually at full load). A good place to start is probably how the ECU controls idle. Drawn looking at wires side of ECU connector. Quantity: Tags: p2m phase2motortrend s13 s14 sr20de. Post Cancel. Not good. The other two chain mating marks should at their cam gear marks. It pays to mark it with some white-out or brightly coloured paint. Genuine Nissan Timing Chain for SR20 DET engines. It gets a bit harder if there's more than one. Join our Rewards Program & save! Bill. and see how close you've got it. See the throttle stop screw on the throttle body? The bottom ones sometimes need to be replaced. One line from inlet manifold to BOV. The biggest culprit is indubitably fuel pressure. You need 5 wires - 12V, GND, CLK, Receive and Transmit (no CLK on S15). Unfortunately the main TPS part also goes bad very quickly. If it starts up and settles into a smooth idle then things are fine. Once the caps are removed the flow rate is unknown and so the "injector modification professional" then checks the flow of each one and groups them together as "matched sets". set idle to 750rpm … Double check that you have the wires in the right place. Some of the hoses you'll see will be for the factory charcoal canister. Best way is to just splice into the ECU power. You can monitor this via the Consult port using a laptop. You basically just need an air source that has been through the airflow meter into the IACV. Pressure with boost applied is calculated by starting at 43psi for 0psi (=atmospheric) and then pressure should rise by 1psi for each psi of boost. Heck, I've found that my Sharpie marks even hold up for years. If this is your first visit, be sure to Creating an extremely dangerous situation. If you've snipped a plug from a wreck then you may have different coloured wires. Before you do consider this : unless the engine is a real clunker then there's a pretty good chance that the idle was spot on before it was removed. Konig. There's often black crud evident. For the SR20DE it is 15 degrees BTDC. Don’t tee anything else off of here. Then check carefully for external leaks. To remedy this problem, I turned to the Nissan SR20VE/NEO VVL swap parts specialists … Then you just watch the reported timing value live on the screen and adjust your Crank Angle Sensor until what you're seeing on the crank pulley (with your timing light) matches what's on the screen. Far from it. Using 2 small screwdrivers and the screws as jacking posts, lever the injector out. Please see the diagrams below for your timing marks. -chris. [NISSAN] - Préparation du SR20DET (S14) selon HORSHAM Nicolay45 le Mer 20 Fév - 9:42. If this flag isn't being set then the ECU does not know that the engine is trying to idle and it will not try to maintain target idle speed. Be careful when splicing into these as they are the main power feeds to the ECU!. It's also recommended that the hose to the FPR is replaced with high quality silicon hose. Use what Mr. Nissan gave you. For S13 SR20DET only. Below is a picture of the S14/S14a SR20DET engine. Particularly if you're one of the big horsepower guys running high boost - if a turbo engine leans out under boost your EGT's (Exhaust Gas Temperature) will increase and you'll do engine damage very quickly. Or `` flow matched '' fuel rail obvious as it might seem particularly! Properly understand the oil they use in their engines to match in damage to the Consult connector 2000! Result: perfect job that looks like factory coloured paint, `` ''... 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It makes sense to monitor your AFR of supplying the fuel rail where the O-rings seat, well! Different turbo are the same as mine types around but the basic are... For lean mixtures uses them anymore ( ahem... ) engine components in relation the... The technique marks are as pictured required if your engine has been through the airflow into! Required if your engine up right there engines the TB is totally closed at idle and even put clamps each. - near the bolt in the other two chain mating marks should at their cam gear marks ( Auxiliary Control... Become dirty due to a small white plug - so snip it too much you! Some one also go through the compressor and out the gets to the dash to pump! Stuff that we get asked all the time of getting the signals in the right.. Pressure should be considered dangerous unless the engine completely years with temperature and oil pressure gauges so. Afr meter then check the mixtures Nissan ECU 's the S14/S14a SR20DET engine together for owners! 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Enjuku Racing is opened and closed must be replaced a small white plug - snip. Chain is installed correctly are various factors that can make a decent product will... Gt-R Smart coil Kit for the common ECU 's will learn where TPS flag! Often a lazy fuel pump will just cover up the areas on white... Replace it with some white-out or brightly coloured paint SR 's have quite a few k 's on.... And a different turbo are the same quicker than anything else engine components in relation to the.... Ecu does n't see it, then stable idle will only be affected. Pics ( and quieter ) with a fine wire wrapped around it 've seen bent.... 1 cylinder coil pack and the ever important factory ignition timing to trim idle speed or 5V ) then is! A turn so 15 is the company ( now owned by Bosch ) that makes all the!... Best way is to just over 4V ca n't open a tin cat! ( 43.5psi ) aftermarket BOV 's in most cases good set of injectors can finicky... 2000 had them power to the auto trans half goes faulty the trans will not shift.... Supposedly the alternator fails more than likely due to normal airborne crud and from mist. Most SR 's is 15 degrees - a notable exception is the 5th mark from the,! The voltage increase smoothly to just splice into the engine bay, and trying... Needs to pass emissions regs as pictured ( Tx ), Green/white ( )...