They used to be so proud of the nation of Judah and they forgot what truly made Judah great. What makes someone an American, I wonder. Ezra 1:1. —Ezra 1:1 In 1879, … Foundations Daily Devotional: The Book of Ezra Foundations Daily Devotional: The Book of Ezra around by the winds of false teaching; rather we will speak the truth in love (see Ephesians 4:11-16). I mean, if you and I were going to rebuild a country, we would want the list to be all about wealth and importance, right? What about military children born in other countries? EZRA DEVOTIONALS. May you show mercy to the poor and the down trodden. Ezra honored the Lord with trust. What makes someone a Christian? Friends, it has nothing to do with intelligence or wealth. This is probably about lack of ownership. . The important issue that faced this group was the rebuilding of the Temple so that sacrifices could once again be made to the Lord, as the Law commanded. If you would like to see the grid comparing all families in Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7, go here. DEVOTIONS IN EZRA, NEHEMIAH, AND ESTHER Devotional - To Be Used By God Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Jun 28, 2020 “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. Ezra 2 contains a long list of the names of Israelites who re-turned from exile. First15 is a daily devotional written and read by Craig Denison. Bible Popular Verses John 3:16 James 4:7 Psalm 23:1 Romans 8:28 Matthew 6:34 Hebrews 11:1 Philippians 4:13 1 Corinthians 13:4 Bible … Although, technically, the land wasn’t really theirs anymore. Centuries before, Isaiah had identified Cyrus as the king who would decree the return of Jewish exiles to reestablish their land and rebuild the temple, while Jeremiah prophesied that Israel's exile in Babylon would last for 70 years. Talks for Growing Christians The Jewish Captives in Babylon Who Returned to Jerusalem Ezra 2 Listen to this Talk. You know those annoying people who are desperate to prove that their families came to the United States on the Mayflower? Is it about being born here? Tags: First15 Devotional, Craig Denison, First 15 Looking to start your day with the right devotional? This free devotional is full of insight and wisdom for college students. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. … They are not well-established families. 1 After these things had been done, the officials approached me and said, “The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands with their abominations, from the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites. … Ezra 3:8-13: 2014-02-08 EZRA AND GOD'S GOOD LAW: Ezra … Devotionals; Short Stories; Select Page. In Ezra chapter 1 we read how the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, the Persian king to fulfil prophecies from Isaiah and Jeremiah. May the King include you on his list. Get Pastor Josh’s Daily Devotional in your inbox. Cover of Spurgeon’s Evening by Evening. Ezra 4:1-5 | Opposition Aroused 8. He’s not perfect, but he is God’s choice, plucked from the fire for the purpose of leading the people (Zachariah 3). … The first list of names is about leadership. They used to be so proud of the nation of Judah … “your God” in 4:2) suggests that religious perceptions may lie at the root of their refusal. Interestingly, in verses 21-35 we are given the names of places. 9. Books. 56 views … Today's Devotion; Devotional Library; Subscriptions; Devotional Blog; Donate; Help; About Us; Today . Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 2 Then Shekaniah son of Jehiel, one of the descendants of Elam, said to Ezra, “We … We really don’t know anything about the rest. Favoriting is a great way to keep a list of sermons, programs, and ministry resources in your account. We are told in verse one that these are the sons of the province, which may refer to Judah; no longer a nation. The first group of returnees came back with Zerubbabel and a great caravan of people accompanied him. Download the Audio; Download the Transcript Transcripts not available for all Talks; Lesson Number 2. Okay, just so you know, I am employing sarcasm here. Foundational Principles. Chapter 2 of Ezra is an excitingly long list of names and numbers. Related Videos. Ancestry? … Each day, the devotional features scripture, a devotional thought, guided prayer, and action steps. Julie’s Devotional: Ezra 2. to today's devotional with Julie Pastor Steve's wife from First Baptist Church, Delray Steve has started a sermon series on the book of Ezra and Nehemiah, because this was a time period in Jewish history where they were returning to their land and they were rebuilding and we are in a year where people … WATCH SOAP DEVOTIONAL HERE OCTOBER SOAP GUIDE Ezra 2. Ezra 2. Ask the King what it means to be a citizen of his kingdom. It works everywhere you sign in, even with the mobile app! We are told the region they came from. Make a list of people in the church you attend that may feel marginalized for whatever reason: Encourage them. Hi James and Ellen, Have you ever spent a night away from home? Create a free website or blog at Subscribe to the Daily Devotional; Bible Reference Share . Ezra 4:17-24 … Zerubbabel will be the governor and he is a descendant of David. Don't have an account? The officials come to tell Ezra that the people had intermarried with the nations who were not following God, and that the leaders and the officials had led the way in this intermarrying (9:1-2). Prayer Meeting. Ezra Books . Ezra 2. Following the 70 year long Babylonian captivity, there were three main occasions when Jewish exiles returned to Jerusalem. Etc. 2 Now these are the people of the province who came up from the captivity of the exiles, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had taken captive … Devotions; Courses; Blog; Mini-Verses; Music; Return to Content. Jeshua, or Joshua, will be the next high-priest. Our daily devotionals are carefully searched and sorted thoroughly with Biblical scriptures purposeful for everyone. I have produced a grid below that lists the families that do not match. And there may be a lesson here for us. Our Daily Bread, F B Meyer, C H Spurgeon Today in the Word & G Campbell Morgan Christ in Ezra - A M Hodgkin. Today's Bible Reading: 2 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Today's One-Year 3 Scripture Passage: Joshua 21-24; Today's Two-Year 4 Scripture Passages: Deuteronomy 29:2 … 10 While Ezra was praying and confessing, weeping and throwing himself down before the house of God, a large crowd of Israelites—men, women and children—gathered around him. The first two names are definitely known leaders. ( Log Out /  Ezra 2 details the leaders and families who came in the first wave under Zerubbabel’s leadership, probably in the spring of 537 BC. Ezra 1:1-4 | The Word of the Lord Fulfilled 2. You know, God. Ah, but our God doesn’t work that way. FBC Delray. For more information, please visit The chapters represent the statistics of the same families, but they are not identical. Why the shift author of Ezra? Station Finder. Browse . Return to the Main Player. Temperament? The third group is listed by geographical location and most of the places surround Jerusalem. May God bless you. Browse daily devotions with Scripture passages fromEzra, from the Today Daily Devotional library. Sign In. Oh, and what makes you of a certain race? Comedy Cute Inspirational Ministry Movies Music News Popular Popular Hymns Sermons Podcasts. Doctrine. But in this list of names we can see anticipation. Okay, just so you know, I am employing sarcasm here. Add to … The People’s Confession of Sin. Sam Sharaf October 5, 2020 Bible, COVID-19 Leave a Comment. Are you glad when you get back to home … OCTOBER 2ND | SOAP DEVOTIONAL | EZRA 2. 20:21. Ezra 4:6-16 | Accused! Haggai prophesies that he will be the signet ring, which seems to be about the continuation of God’s promise about the Davidic line, although he disappears from the scene and we have no way of knowing why. Is it about having the right documentation? If we want the Lord to be pleased with our … Meditate on what it means to be a Christian. These are people who remembered that they were exiled, and God brought them back to live as his people once again. As a matter of fact, the New Testament makes it clear that the message was more attractive to the simple; to the poor; to the slaves; to the carelessly discarded. Friday Devotional July 24, 2020 Perry Krosschell Ezra was a great leader whose whole life was dedicated to serving God. 1x The sheer precision of the reports of return (Ezra 2) is one of the first things to strike the casual reader of this chapter. ( Log Out /  The first group is most likely about leadership, and leadership is important. 10). — Ezra 1:3 For almost seventy years the people of God had been asking, “What did we do to deserve exile from our land?” The answer pointed to … And what do we do with the people who seem to defy all of these indicators? The second group is listed by family names and may represent well established families; land owners; families who were coming back to family owned land. Is it about parentage? Chapter 2 of Ezra is an excitingly long list of names and numbers. Is it skin color? ( Log Out /  Mission. RESOURCES. In verses 2b through 20 we are given a list of family names along with the number who came back to Jerusalem. We know very little about most of them, but the Bible takes names seriously because they are connected to the God who knows their stories. He wrote of 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Psalms 119…and led a council of men who compiled the OT. Ezra 3:1-6 | Worship before Work 6. Videos. . The List of the Exiles Who Returned. (Ezra 7:10 ESV) The question for me (Jordan) has never been “Why study the Bible?”, but “How do I study the Bible?” There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of books written on this … Two of the names are familiar. So, in these verses you have three groups named. And praise God. Williamson suggests that this latter group represents people who are not land owners. Some of the places are obviously places such as Benjamin, Kiriath-arim, etc. They are poor. Articles. History. Ezra 9: . Ezra 1:1-4 The Cyrus Cylinder July 4, 2015 Read: Ezra 1:1-4 | Bible in a Year: Job 28–29; Acts 13:1-25 The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia. Okay, here is a question for you; If we think it is so important that people from Mexico learn to speak English, why don’t we need to learn to speak Mandan, or Cherokee, or Sioux? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. So, what’s going on here? Ezra 1 Ezra 3 Ezra 2 New International Version (NIV) The List of the Exiles Who Returned. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. What made someone an Israelite? Our Daily Bread. From what we read in Ezra 8, it is clear that Ezra was a man of integrity who was committed to obeying the Word of God. Daily Devotional Bible Verse. Ezra 9, Proverbs 7, Luke 15:1-10, 1 Timothy 5:1-15 . And at least some of those places are remote areas like Lod, Hadid and Ono, which was so remote that Sanballat thought it a likely place to ambush Nehemiah (Neh. Let them be Assyria’s problem. Study This. Today's Podcast: The audio control is below the devotional. Get your favourite books now on the go and start reading! In this sometimes forgotten Old Testament book of the Bible, we see just how significant the number 42,360 can be when it comes to understanding that when we talk to God through prayer, he not only hears us, but God answers prayer. I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.”—Ezra … Could only the wealthy land owners be a part of the new beginning? Stature? Chapter 7 of Ezra … They have documented proof that their family has been here longer than anyone, well, you know, other than the Native Americans. Not only are the numbers of the people accurately reported, along with the names of their clans, but even the numbers of their animals—horses, mules, camels, donkeys (Ezra 2:66). ← Ezra 1-2: God’s Purposes Cannot Be Thwarted Ezra 4-5: Tactics of Defense → Devotionals. Invite them to your home. Others are unknown names and we don’t know anything about them. The second wave returned roughly 80 years later under the leadership of Ezra. In today’s devotional Bible study, we’ll look into the book of Ezra. Any of his people among you may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the Lord . August 29, 2012. ABOUT. and may their God be with them. Everyone can be on the list. We are told in verse one that these are the sons of the province, which may refer to Judah; no longer a nation. 4:3 While the allusion to the Persian imperial edict is the explicit grounds for the returnees’ rejection of cooperation, their emphasis on “our God” (cf. He has always been, and always will be, the champion of the poor; the down trodden; the unwanted. Ezra 2:68-70 | Offerings According to Ability 5. I mean, let the poor; the unknown; the un-established; the devoid of land ownership lackeys, stay in Babylon. Ezra 2:1-67 | The People of the Province 4. Today's Music 1: Listen while you read: Are You Washed In The Blood — The audio control is below the devotional. Subscribe. Many of the names appear in later lists (Ezra 8; Neh. 55 Views. For many, owning land was an important part of being a blessed Israelite. May you be filled with his grace and love. Today's Devotional. Ezra Ezra Devotional Commentary Choose Chapter. God is not only sending them back to rebuild; he is sending leaders; men to guide them through the process. Ezra 1:5-11 | Hearts Made Willing 3. Our conversation is to be gracious, loving and kind, but these things do not mean that we must sacrifice truth! Try to lay down your understanding and listen to what God says about it. Ezra 2:68 Following the 70-yearlong Babylonian captivity, there were three main occasions when Jewish exiles returned to Jerusalem. Date Title Scripture Reference; 2017-12-23 RETURNING ZERUBBABEL: Ezra 1:1-2:2: 2017-08-10 WHEN SHOULD WE CELEBRATE? BROADCAST. Josh Moody. The Jewish exiles returned to Jerusalem in 3 major waves over the span of about 100 years. Twitter; Facebook; Email; Ezra 1 Ezra 2 Ezra 3. That’s good news isn’t it? 1. For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel. Many in Israel believed that continuity of God’s promises was wrapped in the land. It is just a list of names and numbers. That it was their own towns to which they returned reflects and depends on the divinely sanctioned division and allocation of the land described in … 2 Now these are the people of the province who came up from the captivity of the exiles, whom … Ezra 8:24-36. Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 7 are listings of numbered people from different families. The music was written and produced by Craig Denison. Now, they are the sons of a lowly province, which actually belongs to those godless Assyrians. Hair color? / 2 / 2. Remember to add to cart! Start reading! Ezra … Such integrity should be a mark of every leader of the Lord’s people, but it should also mark every child of God. Mobile app there may be a lesson here for us even given their name! Number who came back to Jerusalem in 3 major waves over the span of about 100 years away home. Ezra 3 given the names of Israelites who re-turned from exile ; Donate ; Help ; about us ;.... 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