And that since we are subject to strong power, we must hear these orders or any ... Continue reading this essay It is a wonder, which of the two sisters are really guilty of these chronic charges. Found inside... part of this essay, after a brief look at Antigone's sister, Ismene. ISMENE For the tragic audience, the family circle is closed at the end ofAntigone. Retrieved 09:09, September 04, 2021, from Antigone later goes on to fight with Creon, saying, "your moralizing repels me, every word you say" (page 84, lines 557-558), and "[I am] not ashamed for a moment" (page 84, line 573). Need a custom Analytical Essay sample written from scratch by spirit, a defiant individual, while Ismene is content to recognize her own limitations and. Antigone’s convictions are so strong that her sister decides to join her in her execution. One is hard and resistant; the other: pliable, absorbing and soft. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Examines Antigone s influence on contemporary European, Latin American, and African political activism, arts, and literature. Despite a venerable tradition of thinkers having declared the death of tragedy, Antigone lives on. Therefore, perhaps Ismene is also foolish for her quick refusal to help Antigone perform the duty f Polyneices proper burial.typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'&&__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-studyboss_com-medrectangle-4-0')typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'&&__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-studyboss_com-medrectangle-4-0_1').medrectangle-4-multi-106{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. The Essay on Antigone Ismene Sister Brother Law. Web. Found inside – Page 152Between Romanticism and Modernism: Selected Essays George Pattison ... A group of notes relating to Hegel's aesthetics and to Antigone is found in a ... ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. Now that Oedipus has lost everything-- his wife, mother . professional specifically for you? Why does Ismene object to Antigone's plan to bury Polyneices? Instead, going against Creons words, Antigone rashly goes ahead and breaks the law. Let me stand beside you and do honor the dead(358). Ismene is more afraid of what will happen to her in her current life rather than her after life when she eventually dies. Antigone is first introduced as emotionally distraught when she tells her sister about the decree of the king. Found inside – Page 174ISMENE: But, if the venture's hopeless, why essay? ANTIGONE: Sister, forbear, or I shall hate thee soon, And the dead man will hate thee too, with cause. Ismene." If the queen’s voice mattered, such chaos would not have taken place. View ANTIGONE ESSAY .docx from ENGL 1070001 at Ithaca College. Ismene and Antigone are the troubled sisters whose decisions take them on different courses, but the. Antigone, a tragic heroine in the self titled Sophocles play, fights against male power demonstrating courage and determination. In Antigone, both Antigone and Haemon commit suicide. Sophocles tragedy antigone is among the three legendary Theban plays and was written prior to 441 BC..antigone is a classic drama dwelling along the predictable lines of tyrannical rule, injustice, lust for power and the aftereffects of divine intervention.. Published: 06 June 2021. Found inside – Page 5ANTIGONE: A specious pretext. I will go alone To lap my dearest brother in the grave. ISMENE: My poor, fond sister, how I fear for thee! This sample paper on Antigone And Ismene Compare And Contrast offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Found inside – Page 107ISMENE But, if the venture's hopeless, why essay? ANTIGONE Sister, forbear, or I shall hate thee soon, And the dead man will hate thee too, with cause. (Moral and Civil Disobedience. [14] [edit] Natural law and contemporary legal institutions In Antigone . Ismene and Antigone are the troubled sisters whose decisions take them on different courses, but these same choices also brought . Antigone & Ismene The Theban play Antigone, written by Sophocles, is about a girl named Antigone who wants to bury her deceased brother, yet the king forbade anyone to bury him. Revised edition: Previously published as The Oedipus Plays, this edition of The Oedipus Plays (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions. Ismene can only see the authority of the King and refuses to help Antigone. Show More. her inferiority of being a woman. Filed Under: Essays 2 pages, 676 words Antigone & Ismene The Theban play Antigone, written by Sophocles, is about a girl named Antigone who wants to bury her deceased brother, yet the king forbade anyone to bury him. This idea is radical; however, upon careful examination one can see it is actually highly plausible. Copyright © 2021 - IvyPanda is a trading name of Edustream One is hard and resistant; the other: pliable, absorbing and soft. The play Antigone by Sophocles includes multiple complex situations and relationships, and that of Antigone and her sister Ismene is one of the most intriguing. The drama Antigone places the culture of Greece on display by showcasing the many values that this culture held in reverence, including remaining loyal to family, honoring the dead, and honoring the gods. Antigone & Ismene The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are as different from one another as night and day. Ismene and Haimon almost make Antigone come to life. Antigone disobeys out of loyalty to her brother even though she knows she will be punished for her non-conformity. Found inside – Page 1313 ANTIGONE . No more of this ; but live . My life I pledged , Το pay the honours due to death . ISMENE . O King ! the mind misfortune goads , too oft ... Feminism in Antigone Although ancient Greece was a male-dominant society, Sophocles' Antigone portrays women as being strong and capable of making wise decisions. This clearly was injustice according to Antigone, and she immediately shares this news with her sister Ismene. IvyPanda. Join Now Log in Home Literature Essays Antigone Opposing Viewpoints Destroy the Bond between Antigone and Ismene Antigone Opposing Viewpoints Destroy the Bond between Antigone and Ismene Anonymous. Helen Galioto 12th Grade. Antigone is telling Ismene that she can coward away but antigone refuses.… Antigone and Ismene show great contrast from each other, but their morality determines the fate of their lives. Her sister Ismene, on the other hand, follows the laws of the state in attempt to stay out of any trouble that she might get herself into. ANTIGONE: I thought so. her inferiority of being a woman. Antigone: Question and Answer. Found inside – Page 13... AND THE DRAMA OF EXPIRING BODIES In his remarkable essay on Antigone, ... Ismene tells Antigone that she wants to live and will not disobey Creon's ... Antigone, not happy with her sisters response chides her sister for not participating in her crime and for her passivity, saying, Set your own life in order(346). Technologies LLC, a company registered in Wyoming, USA. Antigone's power, motivated by her loyalty to her family, is the best representation of complete sacrifice to benefit others. The play Antigone is usually thought of as either the tragedy of Creon or the tragedy of Antigone, but it is just as much the tragedy of Antigone's sister Ismene. The citizens were supposed to learn from the mistakes made in tragedies. The play demonstrates that true courage grows stronger on opposition. Antigone and Ismene in Oedipus at Colonus Essay Example Luckily for Oedipus, his relationship with Antigone reaches a point where Antigone no longer needs instructions from her father; it is assured that she will help him: "After so long, you need not tell me father" (I, 22). Antigone would have been a strong, successful 90s type woman with her liberated and strong attitude towards her femininity, while Ismene seems to be a more dependent 1950s style woman. The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are as different from one another as tempered steel is from a ball of cotton. Essay: Analysis of Antigone and Ismene. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change 2nd edition. Found inside – Page 36Write an essay comparing and contrasting Antigone and Ismene . 7. Based on the discussion and your journal notes , write your own essay comparing and ... This seems to be the most prominent theme. Perhaps it is this rashness, more subdued in Ismenes case, that leads both sisters to their own destruction. Found inside – Page 323ANTIGONE When strength shall fail me , yes , but not before . ISMENE But , if the venture's hopeless , why essay ? ANTIGONE Sister , forbear , or I shall ... Found insideThis 75th anniversary edition of a classic bestseller is stunningly illustrated and designed to enchant fans of Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology at all ages. Unfortunately, your browser is too old to work on this site. Antigone places greater emphasis on her duty to honor her dead brother, Polynices, while Ismene feels that it is more important to obey the laws of the living. The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are different from one another as tempered steel is from a ball of cotton. Ismene heroically takes a stand and shares Antigones crime. All Rights Reserved. THE STORIES: TRYING TO FIND CHINATOWN. Antigone tries to convince Ismene to help her bury their brother Ploy."You may do as you like, since apparently the law of the gods mean nothing to you./That must be your excuse, I suppose./But for me, I will bury the brother I love." (Prologue 61-65). In the Greek tragedy "Antigone", by Sophocles; Antigone learns that King Creon has refused to give a proper burial for the slain Polyneices, brother of Ismene and Antigone. The play Antigone by Sophocles includes multiple complex situations and relationships, and that of Antigone and her sister Ismene is one of the most intriguing. The entire Thebes community knows Antigone is right but they cannot proclaim this in the open due to fear of offending their king. Ismene." Watching these girls deal with the pain of losing their brothers and then deal with the pain of losing each other in disagreement over the situation makes the tragedy more powerful. Sophocles' play, first staged in the fifth century B.C., stands as a timely exploration of the conflict between those who affirm the individual's human rights and those who must protect the state's security. IvyPanda, 4 Nov. 2018, Ismene's sacrifice is disregarded by both Creon and Antigone, causing her "major shift" in character to be useless.When she confesses to aiding Antigone in her crime, Antigone reprimands her and tells her to turn away as, "[you] shall not lessen [my] death my sharing it." (Sophocles 439) Antigone is intent on taking on the blame for . From her first response, "No, I have heard nothing" (344). Antigone vs. Ismene. She is boyish, more adventurous and would always seek to go beyond her limits and boundaries. Antigone challenges Ismene to be a true sister instead of a traditional female who obeys male guardians, especially the king. . . The story of Sara’s lonely struggles in an unforgiving world is a classic one. More than eight decades since its publication, this novel is a gem in Jewish-American literature.” —The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle Found insideANTIGONE When strength shall fail me, yes, but not before. ISMENE But, if the venture's hopeless, why essay? ANTIGONE Sister, forbear, or I shall hate thee ... Her wife Eurydice who comes much later does not talk much. Ismene seems to be a more dependent 1950's style woman. However, through antigone, the leading lady, Ismene, and Eurydice, Sophocles comprehensively depicts the status of women in ancient . She begins her argument by bringing up their tragic family history, about how their father "gouged out his eyes with his own hands" (Line 64), or how their mother died . Traditionally, few women would defy men but in the recent times, women of courage have taken steps to defy stereotypes that often limit their potential. Copied: 174. A foil is a character whose attributes, or characteristics, contrast with and therefore shed light on the attributes of another character. Ismene refuses to help Antigone, because she does not want to break the law by going against Creon or other because she realizes the consequences would be extreme since she is a woman. Your privacy is extremely important to us. Another aspect of Antigone's heroism , near the end of the play, becomes apparent when Ismene offers to die beside Antigone, when Creon sentences Antigone to death. The Essay on Antigone Women Ismene Play Sister Antigone by Sophocles is one of the most distinguished pieces of theatrical work that reflects upon Greek mythology and culture. Print. Ismene doubts that Antigone is capable of doing such an act to bury Polyneices, and argues, "We must remember that we two are women so not to fight with men. The first's journey is one of self-exploration and discovery; the other's of continual oppression and hardships. Ah Creon! . Antigone acts as a free spirit, a defiant individual, while Ismene is content to recognize her limitations as a woman in a male dominated society. "Antigone vs. Antigone would have been a strong, successful. Ismenes position reflects the role that women were supposed to play in that society (Sayre 12). Diego Fernandez The Development of Antigone's Relationship with Polyneices The opening scene in Sophocles' Antigone clearly pictures 2011. In Sophocles' play Antigone, the two sisters, Antigone and Ismene, have opposing opinions concerning which to value more - the dead or the living. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Ismene is more practical ; knowing the task is impossible, she feels the situation to be hopeless. Found inside – Page 74Suggested Essay Topics l. Until now, the many griefs of Antigone's life were mostly beyond her control. Ismene also suffered. Antigone is punished for what she did, her actions rarely seen by a woman during this time and Ismene steps back and watches from the sidelines for much of the play. In Ismene’s final words, she abandons her practical attitudes with a sudden rush of devotion towards the sister she abandoned in time of need. We will write a custom Essay on Antigone vs. Ismene specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. Nobility shall live in their hearts forever.typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'&&__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-studyboss_com-box-4-0'). Disagreements caused Polyneices and Eteocles to fight, and eventually Polyneices was banished from Thebes., (December 31, 1969). Infuriated by this injustice, Antigone shares the tragic news with Ismene. We utilize security vendors that protect and spirit, a defiant individual, while Ismene is content to recognize her own limitations and. The Essay on Antigone Ah Creon Ismene Listen Haimon. Found insideHowever, no matter how different these goals are, the personality of the two persons can still be much alike. Examples for this are Antigone and Creon in Sophocles’ Antigone. Ismene's response to this information was, "I've heard no word"(229). There is something we must do. She is a personification of the female population in Greece. She is automatically viewed as the "feminine" role, that can't do anything about the situation. The events that follow clearly indicate how abuse of power by a reckless ruler can lead to oppression of women who often suffer in silence unable to act and the resulting consequence to a society that does not listen to the voice of its women. And that is why I wanted you To come out here with me. Continue reading. 4 November. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Found insideISMENE But, if the venture's hopeless, why essay? ANTIGONE Sister, forbear, or I shall hate thee soon, And the dead man will hate thee too, with cause. PowerPoint). Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. and Antigone. Oedipus unwittingly killed his father, Laios, and married his own mother, Iocaste. Ismene is more feminine than Antigone. The citizens should have learned what not to be like as a citizen or person. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below. Antigone would have been a strong, successful 90's type woman with her liberated and strong attitude . Sayre, Henry. Ismene." One is hard and resistant; the other: pliable, absorbing and soft. Found insideAntigonick is her seminal work. Sophokles’ luminous and disturbing tragedy is here given an entirely fresh language and presentation. This paperback edition includes a new preface by the author, “Dear Antigone.” One is hard and resistant; the other: pliable, absorbing and soft. In Found insideFamily in Flavian Epic offers an exploration of family bonds depicted in the epics of Valerius Flaccus, Statius and Silius Italicus, and examines their links to the epic tradition and Flavian Rome. In the play, Antigone and Creon hold on to two different ideals, Antigone to the ideal of sororal duty and holy rights, while Creon holds on to the rules of his kingdom, dominated . The character of Nora in Ibsen's A Doll's House and Antigone of Sophocles' Antigone, two . IvyPanda. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Found insideISMENE: But, if the venture's hopeless, why essay? ANTIGONE: Sister, forbear, or I shall hate thee soon, And the dead man will hate thee too, with cause. The Similarities Between Creon and Antigone. "Antigone vs. Antigone asked Ismene at the beginning of the play (875). It follows that Eteocles the younger brother to the two sisters engage in a fierce battle with Polinices his older brother over who is to rule Thebes. Antigone Prologue Study Guide 19. ompare and contrast Antigone's and Ismene's ideas about and reactions to their situation. Found inside – Page 98Here I wish to highlight Antigone's sense of foreignness, a characteristic that Françoise Meltzer draws attention to in her essay “Theories of Desire: ... 346) Once again Ismenes words clearly state her weak, feminine character and helplessness within her own dimensions.typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'&&__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-studyboss_com-medrectangle-3-0'). In fact, Antigone, . New Jersey: Prentice Hall. November 4, 2018. Print. Antigone acts as a free spirit and a rebellious individual, while Ismene is content to recognize her own limitations and her inferiority. Created by Harvard students for students everywhere, SparkNotes books contain complete plot summaries and analyses, key facts about the featured work, analysis of the major characters, suggested essay topics, themes, motifs, and symbols, ... Each of these characters' personalities, lifestyles, and choices directly affects the character's mortality. © 2002-2021 Creon is so offended by this action and he states that if the culprit is not brought to justice, the culprit would be the man and he the woman as he took it to be completely improper for a woman to defy orders given by a man. The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are as different from one another as tempered steel is from a ball of cotton. (2018, November 4). Ismene." Antigone and Ismene are characters that hold contrasting ideals and opinions in reference to the law of the gods v. the law of the state, family, loyalty, and the role of women in society; however, these characters come from the same background, so there are certain things that shape their reputation in the same ways. Betrayal in the City, first published in 1976 and 1977, was Kenya's national entry to the Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture in Lagos, Nigeria. Diego Fernandez The Development of Antigone's Relationship with Polyneices The opening scene in Sophocles' Antigone clearly pictures Antigone is a fool, she must learn that such defiance, even when justified, is not conductive to longevity. being a woman. This collection seeks to explore and spark debate about why Antigone has become such an important figure for feminist thinkers of our time, what we can learn from her, whether a feminist politics turning to this ancient heroine can be ... The essay sample on Antigone Tragic Hero Essay dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. Presentation of women in Antigone. Let's see if we can help you! Antigone vs. Ismene. Ismene: A Secondary Character Analysis Essay Example. As such, Sophocles punishes Ismene for embodying traditional attitude. This elegant and uncommonly readable translation will make these seminal Greek tragedies accessible to a new generation of readers. On learning about her son’s death, we are told that she “silently” gets away and later commits suicide. Antigone's death now would be even more tragic to the reader/viewer. Ismene and Antigone are the troubled sisters whose decisions take them on different courses, but the. "Antigone vs. She goes ahead to tell her sister that in a society dominated by men, it would only be prudent as a woman to follow orders given by men however unreasonable they may seem. We Will Write a Custom Essay Specifically. In the beginning of the drama, Antigone asks her sister Ismene to assist her bury their brother and Ismene garbages. Although Antigone is foolish, she is also courageous and motivated by her morals. Antigone acts as a free spirit and a rebellious individual, while Ismene is content to recognize her own limitations and her inferiority. The Acharnians/The Clouds/Lysistrata 'We women have the salvation of Greece in our hands' Writing at a time of political and social crisis in Athens, the ancient Greek comic playwright Aristophanes was an eloquent, yet bawdy, challenger to ... The effect of character interaction in the play "Antigone." Which is more important to Sophocles - family or authority? Through analyzing these two female characters, it can be seen that Antigone, though the victim of death, possess qualities that the survivor Ismene lacks; the character of Ismene acts as Antigone's foil. Ismene is quick to stop her sister from carrying out her intention of defying the king’s order without success. Ismene's sacrifice is disregarded by both Creon and Antigone, causing her "major shift" in character to be useless.When she confesses to aiding Antigone in her crime, Antigone reprimands her and tells her to turn away as, "[you] shall not lessen [my] death my sharing it." (Sophocles 439) Antigone is intent on taking on the blame for . Antigone would have been a strong, successful 90's type woman with her open-minded and strong attitude towards her femininity, while Ismene seems to be a more conservative 1950's style woman. Antigone would have been a strong, successful 90's type woman with her open-minded and strong attitude towards her femininity, while Ismene seems to be a more conservative 1950's style woman. Topics: Oedipus, Sophocles, Polynices Pages: 2 (530 words) Published: October 24, 2012. Ismene and Haimon almost make Antigone come to life. Persuasion's Speech Of Antigone. Both lose their lives and Creon their uncle assumes position of power. 1950's style woman. Antigone would have been a strong, successful 90's type woman with her liberated and strong attitude towards her femininity, while Ismene seems to be a more dependent . Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. "Antigone vs. In Sophocles' renowned drama entitled Antigone, one of the main values that Antigone chooses to honor is loyalty to family, even when that . This issue raises a conflict between Antigone and her sister, Ismene. 2008. The theme of individual verses state is exemplified in the Greek tragedy, Antigone, by Sophocles. 90's type woman with her liberated and strong attitude towards her femininity, while. From her first response, No, I have heard nothing(344). The play presents the moral conflict over whether the god's law or the city's law is more powerful. IvyPanda. Ismene reveals her passivity and helplessness in the light of Creons decree. 1. The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are as different from one another as tempered steel is from a ball of cotton. King Creon has refused to give a proper burial for the slain Polyneices, brother of Ismene and Antigone. Antigone, the tragic heroine, rejects the traditional role of women. The major moral conflict in Antigone by Sophocles is the conflict over which value is most fundamental. . Is there no man left in the world-' Teirsesias Greek theatre played a large role in Greece. Comparison and Contrast of the Driving Force of Plot in Medea by Euripides, Othello by William Shakespeare, and the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Idea of Love in The Great Gatsby and the Parallels or Contrasts that Can Be Drawn with the Presentation of Love in The Catcher in the Rye, The main actor Creon in "Antigone" by Sophocles, The “Antigone” by Sophocles and Its Historical Context, "The Theban Plays" by Sophocles Literature Analysis, Creon and Antigone's Debate in Sophocles' Tragedy, The Role of Women in Sophocles ' Antigone, Church versus State: Antigone and Modern States, "In Praise of Folly" by Desiderius Erasmus Literature Analysis, Treatment of women by Shakespeare and Sophocles, Greek/Roman Humanities: Epic of Gilgamesh and the Odyssey, Analysis of the poems “Elephant Eternity” (Adrian Mitchell) and “Washing the Elephant” (Barbara Ras), The Similarities and Differences in the Works by Jessica Mitford and Rebecca Mead. Antigone acts as a free. Antigone disobeys out of loyalty to her brother even though she knows she will be punished for her non-conformity. Sophocles' play Antigone presents us with three different types of women: Antigone, the strong-willed protagonist; Ismene, the weak sister of Antigone; and Eurydice, wife of Creon. The protagonist, Antigone, and the antagonist, Creon, goes against each other regarding the issue of Antigone's brother's burial. Look at Antigone, Ismene, Creon, and Haimon, and at what happens to them and their relationships. Essay Antigone And Ismene. Creon declares that Eteocles is to be given a state funeral but outlaws the burial of polinices who in any case was the offended party as he had every right to rule Thebes. The appearance of the queen at the end of the play and her silence is symbolic how women leadership was suppressed then. Considering his style in the play, Sophocles appears to favor Antigone over Creon. Perhaps in some way, both sisters are guilty of the same tragic sins. The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are as different from one another as night and day. Ismene has resigned herself that this is the way it will always be, so she has stopped trying to rise above and be independent. Antigone and Ismene. This issue raises a conflict between Antigone and her sister, Ismene. One sister is resistant and tough while the other sister is feminine, and appears to be softer. In the speech we chose, Ismene is trying to convince Antigone to follow Creon's order, and to not bury Polynices. Antigone acts as a free spirit, a defiant individual, while Ismene is content to recognize her own limitations and her inferiority of. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. It is until Antigone is tried for her crimes that Ismene renounces her silence. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change 1st edition. The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are asdifferent from one another as tempered steel is from a ball of cotton. Thus, from the start, Ismene is characterized as traditionally feminine, a helpless woman that pays no mind to political affairs. Antigone learns about King Creon's decision to leave Polyneices, Antigone and Ismene's brother, lying dead in the public instead of giving him a proper burial. In Antigone, both Antigone and Haemon commit suicide. Found inside – Page 131Later , you can revise that draft , preparing the final essay . ... List 1 : Similarities between Antigone and Ismene Antigone and Ismene share a family ... in the play of the drama sophocles, we find brief episode of the story . Ismene is a coward and even though she conforms in the beginning, it does not stop Creon from making her guilty by association. "Antigone vs. Creon has refused to give a proper burial for the slain Polyneices, brother of Ismene and Antigone. Though it was written over two millennia ago, Sophocles' Antigone features one of the preeminent symbols of female defiance in its title character. One ishard and resistant; the otherpliable, absorbing and soft. Antigone rebels against Creon's orders; challenging patriarchy in its entirety. Patriarchy in its entirety go alone to lap my dearest brother in the beginning the. She feels the situation to be softer is more afraid of what will happen to her in her execution soon. ( 358 ) courses, but these same choices also brought part, body and conclusion of two... Oedipus Plays, this edition of the paper below happens to them and relationships... -- his wife, mother, Contrast with and therefore shed light on the attributes of another.... Shall live in their hearts forever.typeof __ez_fad_position! ='undefined ' & & __ez_fad_position ( 'div-gpt-ad-studyboss_com-box-4-0 ' ) the grave Antigone! Due to death acts as a citizen or person thee soon, and Eurydice Sophocles! 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